How to Protect Emails From Cyberattacks

Email is the most used method of communication, however it’s also among the most vulnerable. Hackers are constantly seeking ways to penetrate your email account and take your private information.

The first step is to ensure your passwords are secure and unique. They must be at least 16 characters in length and include upper and lowercase characters, as well as numbers and symbols.

A secure email service provider is another option. The best ones include anti-spam and antiphishing features which scan and remove harmful links, attachments and content before it gets to your inbox.

You can also secure emails so that you are the only person who can read the messages. This is a good option for business email accounts where you don’t want your employees to be allowed to copy or forward messages. Encrypting messages is similar to locking a box using your private and public key. If someone gets a hold of an encrypted message, they’ll see text that is unclear.

It’s also recommended to not share your email address on websites and social media. If you must, use an alias so that your real email isn’t visible. Make sure you use multi-factor authentication on all accounts important to you, such as your email. It’s a good idea to safeguard your account.

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